Have you noticed that your memory's not as good as it used to be?

Are you a little scared that your brain may start to go downhill?

Do you know anyone with Alzheimer's or dementia?

Do you remember how they used to be and how they are now?


Keep Your Brain Sharp Program

If you want to learn how to protect your brain and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Dementia, get ready to dive into the Keep Your Brain Sharp Course!



sounds familiar?

You would love to have your old brain back, or at least keep things from getting worse, but…

🧠 Since Alzheimer’s is an epidemic or “runs in your family”, you think that it may be inevitable.


💔 You’ve tried a few things that didn’t work, so you gave up. 


🎯 You’re being bombarded with “magic bullet” solutions that only end up confusing you.


🤔 You just can’t figure out how to make things better. 


🙅‍♀️ Since there’s no medical cure, you don’t think there’s anything you can do.

If that sounds like you, keep reading!

Your brain will change for the better once you...

🧠 Discover the 5 Essential Keys to Brain Health and start giving your brain what it needs.

⏳ Stop spinning your wheels and create your own personal, “brain-friendly” lifestyle, one step at a time.

🤝 Get the support you need to stay committed
 and consistent as you let go of the old and embrace the new you.

🌟 Realize that Alzheimer’s is not inevitable
, it’s optional and your brain’s destiny is in your hands.

What if I told you that you’re not stuck with the brain you have, that your brain can stay healthy and even GET BETTER as you age?

And 99% of it depends on what you do and don’t do!

Your lifestyle can either make or break your brain! And that’s where I come in!

Hi, I'm Berniece Hunt!

I'm a Brain Health Specialist and the creator of the Keep Your Brain Sharp Program, committed to supporting others in their quest for a healthier brain.

As a Wellness Coach for over 10 years and a Certified Brain Health Professional, I specialize in lifestyle strategies, coaching health seekers like you on maintaining, recovering, and even increasing brain function, so you can enjoy life as you age, without missing a beat!

My husband's brief bout with brain trauma was the catalyst for my journey into brain health. It led me to the importance of lifestyle changes, which I now teach to those wanting to fight what many assume is an inevitable part of aging.

A former mentor and Teacher of the Year nominee, I used skills learned from my 30 years of educating regular and special needs students to create a brain-sharp curriculum.


The Keep Your Brain Sharp Program

Your self-paced, online course to an active, creative, growing, “new & improved” BETTER BRAIN!
This course is for anyone who’s decided not to just let the chips fall where they may, but to give their brain the support it needs to be the best that it can be - for life!

Whether you’re experiencing “glitches” - brain fog, memory lapses, confusion, depression, fatigue, lack of concentration, etc., are young or “on in years”, your brain can improve if you know what to do.

This course will not only tell you, but show you, and support you through the process.

What are our students saying?


What Does the Keep Your Brain Sharp Program Teach Me?

When you enroll in the Keep Your Brain Sharp program, you will:

  • Learn the 5 Keys to Brain Health (N.E.E.D.S) — Nutrition, Exercise, EngagementDestressing, Sleep
  • Receive separate modules focusing on each of the 5 Keys that include a video presentation and a workbook
  • Be presented with a variety of do-able lifestyle activities that create a better brain
  • Be assisted in creating a personalized plan that enhances your brain and fits your needs and preference
  • Have access to “How To” videos that demonstrate practical ways to build a better brain
  • Have access to "Tried and True" recipes to add to your healthy living lifestyle
  • Have access to our Facebook community
  • Have access to weekly Office Hours (Q & A)
  • Have access to a Certified Wellness Coach and Brain Health Specialist
  • Have lifetime access to all Keep Your Brain Sharp course materials and future updates

“To live, a man needs food, water, and a sharp mind.”

Louis Zamperini,  Devil at My Heels -

What's Included In The Course

What are our students saying?


This is for you if:

  • You can’t seem to make what you do know work/fit into your life.
  • You keep “falling off the wagon”.
  • Your start date always seems to be “Tomorrow”.
  • You want your brain to stay intact, nothing missing, nothing broken, as you age.
  • Your dream for your golden years is to have an active, independent life.
  • You don’t ever want to be a burden to those you love.

This is not for you if:

  • You’re looking for a “magic bullet” or a quick fix. (Creating a better brain is a process, that takes time and consistency.)
  • Not willing to do the work. (You’ve got to be “in it to win it” = show up!)
  • Not willing to invest in your health. (Invest in your health now, or invest in sickness later.)

Enroll in the Keep Your Brain Sharp Program today!



(Just $149 today)

  • Instant access to all 5 modules
  • PDF workbooks to download
Click here to save $99 when you pay in full!

Got Questions? I’ve Got Answers!

What are our students saying?


Making a better brain means having a better life. If not now - when?

Enroll in the Keep Your Brain Sharp Program today!



(Just $149 today)

  • Instant access to all 5 modules
  • PDF workbooks to download
Click here to save $99 when you pay in full!