Love Your Brain Zoom Party
Learn What Every Brain Needs: The 5 Keys to Brain Health
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Hi, I'm Berniece Hunt!
I'm a Brain Health Specialist and the creator of the Keep Your Brain Sharp Program, committed to supporting others in their quest for a healthier brain.
As a Wellness Coach for over 10 years and a Certified Brain Health Professional, I specialize in lifestyle strategies, coaching health seekers like you on maintaining, recovering, and even increasing brain function, so you can enjoy life as you age, without missing a beat!
My husband's brief bout with brain trauma was the catalyst for my journey into brain health. It led me to the importance of lifestyle changes, which I now teach to those wanting to fight what many assume is an inevitable part of aging.
A former mentor and Teacher of the Year nominee, I used skills learned from my 30 years of educating regular and special needs students to create a brain-sharp curriculum.